Monday, March 06, 2006


Shower door Alcatraz

We’ve discovered a new mini Alcatraz right inside our house. I may have used it earlier had I known about its existence.
On Tuesday, I received a frantic phone call from my wife informing me that my son Parker was locked in the shower. Turns out that my other son Tanner (soon to be the biggest handful in our lives with his devilish little ways) took the opportunity to open the shower door and then slam it as hard as he could.
The door actually went inside the track and was totally locked off. My wife tried everything she could think of but could not get the door open.
I sped back home to lend a hand. I had to laugh as I entered the bathroom, I looked down and there was Parker in all of his glory, face pressed against the glass at the bottom of the door. “Hi Dad!” he exclaimed.
He was in good spirits considering he had been in there for a good half an hour.
I was up for the task. It had been a while since I had used my Macgyver abilities.
So, better than a Clint Eastwood movie, I had Parker broken out of our mini Alcatraz inside of a minute.

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