Sunday, March 12, 2006


Losing Your Marbles

A penny saved is a penny earned. We have stolen a page out of the Nanny 911 show and have implemented the marble jars in our house. Each week, all three of our kids start off with five small marbles and one large marble in their jar. Every time the kids do something good like helping out mom, cleaning up, etc. they get a marble added. On the opposite side, a marble is removed for any bad behavior. At the end of the week, the marbles are tallied. The small marbles are worth a quarter each and a large marble (for being really good!) is worth a loonie. It’s trended to be about a five dollar haul each week.
I must admit, it has some glorious moments. After two requests of get your shoes and jacket on, I immediately go to the “that’s it, you’re all losing a marble!” Fifteen seconds later, my three little ones are all lined up at the front door, dressed and ready to go.
Tanner is even kind enough to yell out when Parker is in trouble “take his big marble daddy!”

Rob: Naturally you rock. Love you, Deas
Sorry, Lolly. Thought I could leave this, but I just cannot resist the temptation. Have you all lost your bloody marbles? The puns have endless potential. Prepare yourself. D
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