Monday, March 06, 2006


Leaping Ladybugs'n leaves

It was leaf raking time last weekend at our house and Mackenzie and Tanner joined me in the fun. It typically took three rounds of pile making before the kids stopped jumping in so that I could finally get the leaves in the bag.
But while doing that, I made quite the gruesome discovery. Not paying much attention, Mackenzie was going on about how cute it was that Tanner had some lady bugs on him. I continued to rake as Tanner yelled out “Lady!!” in his excitement. As I finally paused for a breather, I took a closer look at Tanner. It looked like his shirt was moving. I poo poo you not, he had no less than fifty lady bugs crawling on him. Music less, I quickly performed the heebie jeebie dance in the front yard and proceeded to roll Tanner around like the kid was on fire. My opinion of Ladybugs has been tainted forever. The leaf pile jumping entertainment quickly came to a close!

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