Monday, March 06, 2006


Don't stick an eraser up your nose

We’re a few weeks into the summer and the kids are having a great time. According to my wife and a few of her mom friends there are exactly 37 days, 4 hours and 28 seconds left until school starts up again. Considering my wife is not much of a statistician, I found that to be an uncharacteristic, yet excellent time documentation on her part.
When school ended a few weeks back, my daughter came home from school with a book that she wrote all throughout her first year of grade one. It was about what they had learned through the year.
One line in the book, taken word for word was "We learn new things. We learn that the thing you don't do is stick your eraser up your nose." Ahh grade one! That is solid educational material you can use your entire life.
On another note: I’ve driven around that circle more times than I can remember in my lifetime and I have never had the thought that crossed Parker’s brain. Friday night, we were driving to the Eskimo football game (the ugliest win I’ve witnessed in some time) and we were going up St. Albert Trail. As we were coming around the traffic circle at 118th avenue, Parker said he thought it would be funny if we had a house right in the middle of the circle. I had to agree with the kid, it would be kind of like having a castle with metal alligators constantly swimming around the moat.

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